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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
October 8, 2013

Present:  Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Bill McCarthy,  Jennifer Reilly, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Michael Talluto, John Trentacosta, and Beryl Harrison.  Also, Trustees Emeriti: Mary Thomas and Bill Lavery

Absent: Carolyn Faxon, Mark Principi,  Martha Robilotti, and Moira Rodgers

Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm by John Trentacosta, Vice-President

Consideration of Minutes:

Bill McCarthy moved to accept the minutes from the September 10.  Michelle Rosenthal  seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.

Dan Cruson moved to accept the minutes from the Special Meeting held on September 24. Tom D'Agostino seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation:
Michael Beaudry, Turkey Trot Race Director, introduced himself to the Board and updated the progress made so far on the road race.  

The Honorable William Lavery, Trustee Emeritus, addressed the Board about having an librarian in place as acting director.  He recommends that the entire Board be involved in the search for a new director.  He also encourages the Board to form a subcommittee to work with the town to have the library work as a true agency of the town.  

President’s Announcements: John Trentacosta, Vice President, requested that "Search Process Committee" be added to the next agenda under committee reports.  Michael Talluto updated the Board on the progress made so far by the committee.  

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, explained that Turkey Trot expenses are being invoiced before sponsorship dollars have been deposited.  He recommended that the Board move $5,000 from the operating account to the Turkey Trot account, an amount that would be replenished as funds come in.

Mary Kelley moved to use $5,000 from the operating account to fund the Turkey Trot account.  Colleen Honan seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  

Mr. McCarthy presented 2 documents;
1.  Statement of income and Expense:  Variances were explained.
2.  Funds provided by the Friends.

Tom D'Agostino moved to accept the Treasurer's report.  Mary Kelley seconded.  The motion passed.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was sent by email.  

Beryl Harrison, Assistant Director, showed photographs of a gift that has been offered to the Library.  It is a section of the last wooden flagpole used in the middle of Main Street.  This gift will be accepted, pending confirmation that the size of this flagpole section can be accommodated.

Mrs. Harrison explained staffing needs.  Instead of hiring a new half-time reference librarian, a title that requires an MLS degree and higher salary, Mrs. Harrison will fill those hours in addition to her duties as assistant director.  A part-time circulation supervisor (a non-MLS position) will be hired instead.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  No report.

Fund Raising: The Turkey Trot was discussed again, with a focus on corporate sponsorship.  Many Trustees have volunteered to help.  

Carolyn Faxon has completed writing the annual fundraising letter.  

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported on the cooling and heating pumps that no longer work.  He presented a quote from McKenney Mechanical Contractors for rebuilding them at a cost of $5,767.

Pete Stern moved to rebuild the heating and cooling pumps.  Colleen Honan seconded.  The motion passed.

Mr. D'Agostino is following up with Fred Hurley on treework.

Long Range Planning: No report.

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported on the upcoming book collection day on October 20. There is also a trailer at the transfer station to collect used books.

Art Liaison:  No report.

Historical Liaison: No report.

Nominating Committee: Colleen Honan circulated Mr. Ted Meehan's resume and recommended that he be nominated to fill a Board vacancy.  

Michelle Rosenthal moved to elect Ted Meehan to the CH Booth Library Board of Trustees.  Mary Kelley seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

It was noted that there are still vacancies on the Board.  A Republican appointee and two Board elected members are needed.

Old Business: The digitization of 12/14 condolence materials as funded by Iron Mountain was discussed.  Beryl Harrison updated the Board on the project.  Jennifer Reilly explained the need for a Board member to serve as a liaison with the town so that the Reference Librarian, Andy Forsyth could continue on with the project.  Mary Kelley volunteered to fulfill that role.

Mary Kelley moved to add acceptance of Shawn Fields's resignation to the agenda.   Bill McCarthy seconded.  The motion passed.  

Dan Cruson moved to formally accept the resignation of Shawn Fields.  Peter Stern seconded.  The motion passed.

New Business:  
Michelle Rosenthal reported on her conversation with CCM (Connecticut Council of Municipalities) regarding setting up training in FOI.  She will continue to work with the organization to find an appropriate time.  This may not be during the regular Board meeting, and it may include other boards in town.

The Board will attempt to add a special meeting before the next regular meeting to address specific agenda items.  Jennifer Reilly will contact Board members with a date.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees

